Friday, December 13, 2013

This Week in Personal Finance we ended our banking unit. On Wednesday Mrs. Weser was not here so we did alot of questions investments. From this assignment i learned that it is good to invest early because then you get interest on interest. On Thursday we got new groups and the whole class was rearranged into different groups. Then we had to make posters on certain kinds of insurance. My Group did Homeowners insurance which is very important in case anything were to happen to your home it would be covered under your insurance.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

This week in Personal Finance we are still using Weserville money. On Monday we played Monopoly during class because the Juniors were on a field trip. Then on Tuesday Mrs. Weser was not here so we watched a movie in Mrs. Kuvalsicks room and had to complete a worksheet on the movie, our class was also very small because the freshmen in Earth Science went on a field trip. On Wednesday Mrs. Weser was late to class so everyone got a dollar which was pretty nice, then we shopped for cell phones online and had to pick a phone that we could afford, it was also pay day on Wednesday.

Friday, November 22, 2013

This week in Econ we have finally started personal finance. It has been pretty cool how we now have Westerville dollars and can choose to buy things, but one bad thing is that now things cost money like charging your computer or not having homework or sharpening a pencil and leaving the classroom. We also have bills to pay each week. I really like doing the Westerville dollars and I think that it was very fun and a good way to understanding how to manage our money.

Monday, November 18, 2013

This week in Economics we didn't do much. We have started our wiki pages on our country we have choose which are suppose to be due on Tuesday. I find learning about the countries interesting but the wiki page seems difficult. We had a shortened week because of the retreat so we had a half day on thursday and then no school on Friday. Next week we will probably do more on our wiki pages and start to get them finished.

Friday, November 8, 2013

                   This week in Economics took a-lot of notes and closed our argument on Walmart. We took a vote on Friday last week of the people who were there and then over the weekend the people who were not there had an opportunity to vote on Walmart. On Monday when we came in we found the results that Walmart would not be coming to town. For the rest of the week we took notes each day. We also took an open note quiz. Then we also did an assignment called Economic Indicators. On this assignment we had to find the GDP per captia, GDP official exchange rate, unemployment rate, population below poverty line, debt public, debt external, and the inflation rate. I found it very interesting to see the how the economy is in different countries.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

This week in Econ class we have been working mainly on the issue of whether or not Walmart should come to Weserville. I believe that Walmart could do good things for Weserville. It would create more jobs paying at minimum wage, but this is more money than the people that are unemployed have been making. Also they are some jobs like managers, and group leaders that will make more money than minimum wage. Walmart could also provide a place closer than 2 hours away for people to buy what they need. Without a Walmart in town the people would have to travel 2 hours each way to buy things they need and that also takes a lot of gas. I think that Walmart in Weserville will be a good first step to expanding the town.  

Friday, October 18, 2013

Last Blog post before Midterms

                    Well this should be everyone's last blog post before the midterms. This week in Econ we focused on getting some more concepts in just before the weekend. We had a lot of things happen in Weserville this week. On Wednesday the mayor declared a holiday and for everyone to leave town. When we came back from our holiday Weserville was flooded.  There was a lot of water flooding the streets. This is very unusual for weserville because they are in the mountains but the river rose about 10 feet and flooded Weserville and the towns near it. Weserville already had some damage done to it from the tornado last week and now it has been flooded too. In Econ we started taking notes on Supply and Demand that seems to be pretty easy to understand so far.